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Phone, text, WhatsApp 01295 408441
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Lone Working Policy
At times staff/volunteers/students will be spending time with a member by themselves. There are multiple rooms available for activities and these can be utilised at different times during sessions. Some one-to-one activities will be planned but others will be spontaneous depending on the need/preference of members.
● When lone working the member of staff/volunteer must tell the group leader/session manager where they are going and which member they have with them. This includes taking members to the bathroom.
● Walkie talkies are available and should be used when lone working to call for assistance if needed.
● At no point should a member be left unaccompanied.
● If the staff member must leave the room they need to alert another member of the team who can then stay with the member.
● No staff member should ever be in the building with a member/members unaccompanied.
Student Policy
Dementia Active is a great place for work experience and placements for students studying various subjects. We are keen to offer placements to students aged 16 onwards. This policy helps us ensure that student placements are a positive experience for both students and staff.
● All dates for work experience and placements need to be preapproved and students need to provide appropriate documentation to be completed from their college/university.
● Students will all have an allocated supervisor who will support them in their learning objectives and liaise with the higher education institute (HEI).
● Weekly supervision will take place between supervisor and student.
● All students to be offered a pre-placement visit.
● Students to complete individual risk assessment with supervisor within 5 days of starting placement.
● Students to read all policies prior to start date including code of conduct, safeguarding and lone working policy.
● Core working hours for placement are 10.30am - 3pm. Hours may vary depending on the needs of the organisation.
● Students are responsible for recording their hours and ensuring they meet the placement requirements.
● If a student cannot attend due to illness or other reason then they must contact duty manager as early as possible and record their absence on their hours sheet.
● Any expenses occurred in course of placement must be agreed in advance with supervisor or CEO and can be claimed via expenses form.
● Any students under the age of 18 to have an allocated person each day who they can come to with any questions and who will supervise what responsibilities are delegated to them.
● Students not to do any personal care with members.
● Any tariff for placements to go via CEO.
HEI’s responsible for ensuring all students have a DBS check.
Helen Burgess 06/01/2024
Copyright © 2018 Dementia Active - All Rights Reserved.
Dementia Active. Charity no. 1195246
VAT NO. 410 8071 37. (If you require a Vat receipt for any payments you have made to us please click here)
Dementia Active Community interest Company. Reg No 11973554